Bike Match
Connecting over 300 essential workers with
free bikes during the COVID-19 pandemic
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By Stephen Braitsch
Published December 17, 2024

In April 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, my friend Sam said to me, “Hey, what do you think about creating a website that helps essential workers get to work by connecting them with people who have unused bikes sitting in their garage?” A friend of his in Washington D.C had just created a similar project, inspired by Transportation Alternative’s recently launched Bike Match program in New York City. I immediately loved the idea and said “What if, instead of just supporting San Francisco, we create a platform that any organization in the country could join?” And thus, Bike Match Network was born.

After 3 days of designing and coding, Sam and I launched Bike Match Network on April 10th, 2020. Our first few matches were made in partnership with the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition as Sam helped me onboard bike shops and advocacy organizations across the country. Within a few weeks, we had 16 organizations join BMN, who together have connected 321 people in need with free bikes over the past four years.

The website prompts you to select a participating city and provides intake forms to either request or donate a bicycle. Partner organizations are provided with an admin panel that allows them to easily match requests with donations and the platform automatically emails participants instructions on how to drop off or bike up their bike. To add a bit of playful competition, we created a leaderboard that shows the number of requests and donations each organization has received alongside the matches they’ve made.

Now as the pandemic fades into the past and public transit ridership in many cities returns to pre-pandemic levels, we’ve decided it’s time to sunset Bike Match Network and take a moment to celebrate the amazing work our partners have accomplished over the past four years.

Bikes Requested
Bikes Donated
Matches Made

We’re incredibly proud of the impact Bike Match Network has had on the lives of so many people. Sam and I deeply thank everyone who participated for making this project such a wonderful success and one we’ll look back on proudly for many years to come.

David Mesa, Community Programs Coordinator at Bike Easy in New Orleans, wrote a lovely retrospective about their experience with Bike Match Network. Bike Easy was a founding partner of Bike Match Network and had been instrumental in making the project such a success.

We would like to thank Peter Belden, Piper Chester, Edward Gunderson, Erica Lennertson, Anil Mantri, Brer Marsh and the Awesome Foundation for their financial support which helped cover our costs to host this project over the past four years.